To promote a safe and respectful environment at practice it is important to observe the following:

  • JTG swimmers arriving late for dryland should check in with a coach on deck and if the group has traveled too far from building the late arrivals will not be permitted to go outside and look for them. This is for your child’s safety not punishment.

  • Swimmers should be picked up promptly from practice. If you are going to be very late, say more than 20-30 minutes for a child 12 or under, please text one of the coaches and let them know. It is not safe to have a swimmer sitting outside on the bench at 7:45 PM in the winter when it is dark out.

  • Swimmers must wait quietly on the bench for the coach at the start of practice. They must not be playing around pool side, splashing and interfering with pool patrons.

  • Swimmers must share the locker rooms with patrons of the pool, adults, swim lesson children and parents or other swim team kids.

  • SA athletes should not be playing in showers, spraying each other, running, or using the ADA accessible shower when there are adults perhaps needing the special access.

  • Swimmers are asked not to play in the therapy pool before practice. The temperature of the water and the expenditure of energy have the potential to drain the swimmer of needed energy for the practice.

  • Please do not use therapy pool or shallow water lap lanes unless you have paid the proper admission at the front desk in the upstairs lobby.

  • Unless you have a membership to Fairland or have paid the daily admission, your child does not have access to the pool except when swimming practice with SA for that allotted time. This applies to you and your family also.

  • Please be mindful of the pool patrons when on the deck and in the locker rooms.