Here is a helpful description of the many roles parents can play at a swim meet.
The three (3) meets we host are an important part of funding the programs of SA. These meets serve as a convenience to our families in terms of location and also support the PVS community since PVS cannot host enough meets to serve all its athletes. A major challenge is staffing our meets with enough volunteers. Volunteers are the lifeblood of swim meets and without them, swim meets could not exist. So please consider being an active participant in the sport your athlete has chosen. Volunteers often get the best seats in the house and it shows other swimmers and parents that you care and are invested in your athlete's life and sport.
SA parents are asked to support our meets in a number of ways.
1. Food Donation for the Hospitality Table:
All SA Families are asked to contribute $20 worth of items to the Hospitality Table. Examples are: 2 Liter bottles of Name brand sodas, case of bottled water, juice, Gatorade and a bakery item.
2. Each family who has a swimmer competing in a SA hosted meet is expected to work the entire session your swimmer swims up to 2 sessions per meet. Jobs sign up appears under each swim meet event so it is easy to sign up.
3. All other SA families are asked to volunteer 2 - 5 hours at Christmas Champs December 1-3, 2023.
4. Although not required by SA, please consider volunteering your time at non-SA hosted meets.
5. Please consider getting certified as a USA Swimming Official and volunteering your time at swim meets. Please note that Certified Officials who meet the criteria are eligible for a $250 discount off their program fees. You can read more about how to become certified here.
Accounts entered in a SA meet will be reviewed at the end of the year and any account that has not met the required service hours for any meet will be assessed a volunteer service fee of $50.00 per meet not worked.
In addition, parents who volunteer and work for at least 2 full sessions at the SA hosted meets will have their meet fees waived for that meet. Please note that waived meet fees only apply to SA hosted meets. Parents will still be responsible for paying meet fees at non-SA hosted meets regardless.
SA swim meets in 23-24 season:
Christmas Champs - Dec. 1-3, 2023
Spring Champs - March 22-24, 2024
Early Bird Long Course Meet - May 4-5, 2024